Friday, March 20, 2009

"The Biology-Physics Interface": symposium in Lund Wednesday 25 March

We had some excellent discussions with our visiting Finnish guests, and I was hoping that some of you could soon write some bloggpost(-s), where you summarise your thoughts and impressions about Lamarck, species concepts and/or sympatric speciation. Shawn or Maren perhaps? Also, I think we would be interested in a bloggpost from Tina and Josefin, who had a separate discussion about sexual selection/sexual conflict. Please share with the rest of us some of your thoughts and idéas.

For the next week, I would again like to remind about the workshop on "The Biology-Physics Interface", that I am organizing here in Lund together with limnologist Lars-Anders Hansson. This a so-called CAnMOVE-event - "Centre for Animal Movement" - our new "Linnaeus-programme" about animal movement research. I hope that you all can participate and listen to the talks next Wednesday between 13.00 and 18.30 in the "Red Room" (Ecology Building). Below, I have pasted in the programme for the workshop:

13.00-13.15: Welcome! Introductory words - Erik Svensson

13.15-13.30: Presentation of CAnMove - Susanne Åkesson

13.30-14.15: Remote sensing of animal movement – unconventional laser radar possibilities
Sune Svanberg

14.15-14.45: Dragonflies and damselflies as bioinspirators - Erik Svensson

14.45-15.15: Seeing animal flight through the side-wall of a wind tunnel - Anders Hedenström

15.15-15.45: COFFEE BREAK

15.45-16.15: Nanotechnology in biology - Waldemar Hällström

16.15-16.45: Optical Spectroscopy in Animal Appearance and Perception -
Mikkel Brydegaard

16.45-17.15: Magnetic resonance imaging: Morphology and function - Ronnie Wirestam

17-15-17.45: Individual labeling of small animals (Daphnia) - Bengt Danielsson

17.45-18.30: Plenary Discussion: How can methods from physics be of use in biology?
Moderator: Lars-Anders Hansson

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