Friday, January 6, 2017

First EXEB-meeting of 2017: "Countdown to 150" and a discussion about why mountain tops are higher in the tropics

Posted by Erik Svensson

Next week - on January 12 2017 - I am leaving together with Beatriz Willink and Hanna Bensch for a field expedition to Cameroon in Africa, where will study and collect odonates in various habitats. Given our coming field expedition to the tropics, and given that the journal ecological and evolutionary journal American Naturalist celebrates its 150th year anniversary by reminding us about some of the classical and highly-cited papers that have been published in this journal, I wanted to take the opportunity to present one such classic paper on Tuesday and discuss it with the group. The paper I am thinking of is Daniel Janzen's classical one entitled "Why mountain passes are higher in the tropics", and you can find it here.

(Full disclaimer: American Naturalist is my favourite journal, and I am member of the editorial board since several years. I especially like the journal's mix of ecology and evolution, and the aim to contribute to synthesis in biology. And of course that natural history is explicitly acknowledged as important, especially if combined with evolutionary theory. Natural history will continue to be important, in spite of being declared dead by some). 

The paper was published in 1967, i. e. the same year as I was born in Sweden. Janzen was (is) a famous US-based ecologist and evolutionary biologist who is also based in Costa Rica, where he has done a lot of interesting research and made contributions to tropical conservation.

Viktor Nilsson-Örtman will bring fika.
Time: Tuesday, January 10, 10.00
Where: "Darwin", 2nd floor "Ecology Building"

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